Is Virtual Learning the Future?

Image from: Virtual Learning for Teachers ā€“ BSD Education

We live in the computer age ā€“ one marked by technological advances and digital revolution. The global transformation brought about by this revolution continue to challenge the old ways of doing things. In education, examples abound where technologies have completely revitalized teaching and learning methods. The creation of online learning spaces has afforded many the opportunity to learn at a pace that works for them. For instance, distance education is now an option offered by most colleges and universities to accommodate individuals that juggle multiple responsibilities such as work, family, business etc. This was all before the corona virus pandemic. With the restrictions currently in place (given the present COVID 19 reality), in terms of social distancing and public gathering limits, more and more colleges and universities ā€“ including high schools, middle and elementary schools ā€“ have had to transition to a hybrid teaching model, with some of them moving entirely to online delivery.

I am currently enrolled in a world wide web program offered by the University of Northern British Columbia. Although I live in the city where the university is located, I can be situated anywhere in Canada and beyond and still connect with my professors and peers virtually while fulfilling the requirements of my courses, provided I have a stable internet connection. For individuals enrolled in an academic research program like me, although the ability to have an in-person contact with oneā€™s program supervisor is certainly appealing, synchronous virtual interactions via application software like Zoom and Microsoft teams afford one the opportunity to stay connected. As with face-to-face interactions, live videoconferencing can allow for personal interactions and the provision of immediate feedback on any work submitted or issues discussed.

Generally, research students tend to have the desire to gain some research experience with professors affiliated with their university of study prior to embarking on their actual individual project. As such, one might be quick to conclude that this is not feasible with distance learning. To which, I can say with certainty that this is not the case at all ā€“ being a distance learner myself. I currently work remotely as a cognitive interviewer with the BC office of patient research. This job involves me conducting interviews with participants located in different parts of BC from the comfort of my home. The qualitative interview skill gleaned from this employment will definitely be useful as I engage in my own independent research project. There are other ways to gain research experience while working remotely; for instance, conducting literature reviews and scoping reviews for professors who are preparing for a large-scale study.

In the age of COVID 19, virtual learning certainly has its appeal as it makes education accessible in a time where the more traditional form of face-to-face learning might not be that feasible. The question of whether online learning will replace the classroom once the pandemic fizzles out is a highly debated topic in academia and beyond. While we cannot overemphasize the perks of virtual learning, we certainly cannot overlook its disadvantage. Humans are social creatures by nature; and, most people thrive in social environments. Learning loses its appeal in the absence of human interaction, that is, the ability to dialogue in person with fellow colleagues in real time. In spite of the argument that could be posited of synchronous learning proffering this same ā€œreal timeā€ interaction, traditional classrooms offer students a level of intimacy that cannot be gotten through any virtual means. It behooves one to yet again reiterate the ultimate question: is virtual learning really the future? Only time will tell.

3 Ways to Get Involved In Research As an Undergraduate Student

Iā€™m writing this blog post as an UNBC undergraduate student and UNBC Research Ambassador to share three potential paths you can take to get involved in research. Iā€™ve been able to see all three of them in action, personally and through friends.

The process of getting involved in research can seem daunting, especially when youā€™re an undergraduate student with limited experience. Despite this reality, the potential benefits are high: boosting your resume; making money; increasing your academic knowledge as you apply concepts from class to the real world; refining the soft skills that will help you interact professionally; and improving your future applications to medical school, graduate school, and other post-undergraduate programs. Itā€™s also easy to think of research as an exclusive and difficult club that is meant for ā€œotherā€ people (thatā€™s what I used to think), but in fact all you truly need to start is enthusiasm for knowledge; if you donā€™t have the exact set of skills necessary, working with the right research mentor will allow you to develop them.

Here are the three paths – Donā€™t limit yourself to just one idea, either – exploring multiple avenues can open doors to places youā€™d never expect to find yourself!

Method 1: Applying to positions on the Student Research Opportunities page on the UNBC website

Iā€™ll start off with the most obvious option: simply applying to research opportunities found on the the UNBC website. On the Student Research Opportunities page you can see which professors are looking for students and can then contact them directly with your CV. The e-mail you send is a way to make yourself stand out from the crowd; even if you donā€™t have direct experience with research we all have applicable skills. In research positions Iā€™ve applied for (successfully), Iā€™ve talked about my ability to work in a team and my love for working with community at my job as a barista, extra classes Iā€™ve taken outside of my direct degree requirements that show interest in the topic at hand, and specifically what piqued my interest from the papers the profs have written.

A secret about this page, though, is that it doesnā€™t contain all the potential research opportunities available at the University. Sometimes professors will send out an e-mail to their colleagues to forward to students they think would be a good fit for a research study and others donā€™t necessarily need an extra student but would happily add a student to their team who shows interest. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to try different methods at getting involved such as the next ones I describe!

Method 2: Approach a potential supervisor with a research award in mind youā€™d like to apply for

Oftentimes funding is a limiting factor in research. Although many research experiences are volunteer-based, having funding may let you work fewer hours at other jobs so you can focus on doing research and funding could help you create your own research project. If you navigate to the research page on the UNBC website and then click on ā€œResearch Fundingā€ on the sidebar, youā€™ll be able to find different undergraduate research awards including the Undergraduate Research Experience Award, Research Project Awards, and the International Student Research Award, all of which are available to undergraduate students.

After reading the guidelines you can approach a potential supervisor with you CV and ask if theyā€™d support you in applying for the funding and creating a research project. Oftentimes itā€™s easiest to ask a professor youā€™ve already taken a class with, but itā€™s also possible to ask a professor you havenā€™t met before if theyā€™re in the field that interests you. If you arenā€™t sure what to say, you can ask me or one of my fellow UNBC Research Ambassadors to help you out with an e-mail template.

From here the professor might already have a research project in mind they havenā€™t gotten the chance to work on, have a larger research project theyā€™re already working on, or they could even supervise you as you conduct a literature review. That last one might not sound as fun as the others but itā€™s a great way to discover a research project you can carry out in your graduate studies! Of course, itā€™s also possible they might not have time to supervise a student, or may want you to come up with your own research idea thatā€™s related to their knowledge base. 

Method 3: Expand your network and then see what happens  

This is the method I found success with in finding my first research opportunity as a third year undergraduate student. I went to a speaker event that I saw posters for around the school and then talked to the speaker afterwards, telling her I thought the research she was a part of was really interesting. She then asked if I wanted to volunteer on the team, and I said yes! Volunteering has helped me get a summer internship at the University of Alberta, gain presentation skills by presenting at UNBCā€™s 2019 Research Week, secured me a killer reference for future applications, as well as gained me a mentor that has helped me figure out my future career goals. All of these things likely wouldnā€™t have happened if I hadnā€™t gone to that one speaker event after class!

Another UNBC Research Ambassador, Zach, has written a whole other blog post on networking so please check it out on our website. Some ideas to start expanding your research network include asking your professors, lab instructors, and classroom guest speakers about their research and then potential opportunities if it turns out youā€™re interested in the topic their researching. Other options include going to speaker events that youā€™re curious about and joining clubs. Another place Iā€™ve found success is by talking people who are closer to my peer group but a couple years ahead of me in terms of experience.

Iā€™m sure there are many different methods of getting involved in research and I hope by outlining 3 methods and showing some of the benefits Iā€™ve helped you start brainstorming how to start your research journey. Since research is the creation of new knowledge in a format that can be shared with others, itā€™s so powerful and therefore itā€™s essential that all type of people are involved in it. Knowing this, I encourage you to put yourself out there even if you donā€™t think you fit your idea of a ā€œtypicalā€ researcher. For some extra guidance, please feel free to e-mail the Research Ambassadors at to book a virtual meeting so we can talk the potential research paths you can take.

The Day in the Life of an Undergraduate Researcher

As a full-time undergraduate student my day is busy, and it always begins with lots of coffee at an hour thatā€™s much too early. Usually I try to go to the school around 9:00 a.m. so I can sit on the second floor of the Winter Garden to get some natural light from the skylight and while I do some homework and drink another coffee. As a Biochemistry student with a minor in First Nations studies, whatā€™s on the schedule has lots of variety: Metabolism, Physiology, First Nations Research Methods, Ecology, or Organic Chemistry with the accompanying labs could all be in the mix.

As a volunteer Research Assistant with the Northern Biobank Initiative (NBI) another layer of variety comes my way every week as well, and has taught me that not all research involves test tubes and lab work. The NBI is an initiative built by Principal Investigator Dr. Nadine Caron that aims to create a population-based biobank in Northern British Columbia, with a First Nations Biobank embedded within. To answer whatā€™s likely your next question, a biobank is a systematized collection of tissue specimens with clinical annotated data that are associated with specimens and securely stored in a database. It is a tool used to facilitate biomedical research and to answer health-related questions.

This would be the first biobank of its kind in Canada and would allow Northern BC to participate in genomic research that is usually tethered to southern, metropolitan academic health care centres and tertiary care hospitals. This is awesome, because weā€™re unique here up North and having access to research can be a determinant of health by providing more custom-tailored diagnostics and treatment (insert citation). But in order to create a First Nations biobank in a good way, there first has to be consultation on the ethics, governance, consent procedures, and protocols around First Nations biobank. These consultations with First Nations in Northern BC are what Iā€™m involved with, and they came after the First Nations Chiefs passed a resolution at the October 2016 FNHA Northern Regional Caucus to allow for consultations and to support the NBI.

Being involved in this process makes my days as an undergraduate research assistant interesting: on some days in Iā€™d go get a coffee at Degrees after class and then sit somewhere quiet while transcribing the Key Informant interviews that were conducted with Chiefs and Health Directors from around Northern BC. Transcribing is typing out word for word exactly what was said in the interviews ā€“ and made me become very familiar with hot-keys and getting creative to make sure I was catching the inflections and spirit with what was being said.

On other days being an undergraduate research assistant involved arranging times to come together with Elders to create tobacco ties that could be given as gifts during the consultation process, and at events like the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) regional caucuses. Doing this was such a nice break from school ā€“ sitting together with an Elder for a few hours while focusing on putting good intentions into our work of creating the ties makes me feel so calm.

At times later on in the year being an undergraduate research assistant meant feeling like a celebrity, where I was interviewed and then filmed around UNBC to capture some B-roll for a documentary that the NBI team is involved with (itā€™s not out yet ā€“ ask me about it later!) Less glamourous but still interesting tasks included compiling feedback from our advisory board on the creation of a pamphlet that is used for knowledge translation ā€“ which is getting research results back to the community in a way thatā€™s more digestible than those 10 page research papers. I then got to see the pamphlets in action when at a later date I helped run the NBI table at the 2019 Northern FNHA Regional Caucus. At this event I enjoyed the free food and talking to the many interesting leaders and community members present about our work with the consultation process.

Overall for me being an undergraduate research assistant has been a very varied experience, that has come with the accompanying diverse learning experiences. Thatā€™s why I couldnā€™t just pick one day to capture the experience, to truly see the spirit of how it is, itā€™s important to see the big picture of how everything comes together. The year and a half Iā€™ve been involved with the NBI Iā€™ve gained new skills, and most importantly to me gotten to experience the big picture of why research and universities are so important. The creation of new knowledge is a powerful thing, and being able to be a part of that makes studying for my classes seem worth it.

(Except organic chemistry).

Deciding on a Research Topic

ā€œHow do I decide on a research topic?ā€ is a question that Iā€™m sure many aspiring student researchers such as myself have pondered at one point in their academic journey. For an undergraduate or graduate student looking for opportunities to either work or volunteer in a research project, this may not be a pressing concern. This is because, for the most part, the goal of these students (as was my case), is to gain useful experience that can be transferable into their own research projects. As such, a candid advice to the group of students looking to gain research experience (either paid or volunteer) is to be open to any and every opportunity because the perfect fit might end up being the one you least expect.

Deciding on a research topic is not as easy as it seems. I often find myself advising new students to follow their passion, but the question becomes, what if my passion is not a ā€œpriority areaā€?. Priority area here relates to the fundability of oneā€™s research project. My response to this concern is this ā€“ ā€œso what?ā€. Conducting research is a long journey that requires dedication and commitment to complete. In my experience, you are less likely to get frustrated or bored if you are exploring a topic or an area that genuinely interests and excites you.

Although passion is a necessary ingredient when it comes to choosing a research topic, it is not the only component. Your passion must be guided by logic. Logic in this context relates to how researchable and achievable your chosen topic is. An advice I have received is to not be too ambitious ā€“ essentially, do something that play to your strengths. And just as important, be mindful of time and resource constraints. The best part about being a student is you do not have to do this alone ā€“ your supervisor, the librarian, even fellow colleagues are at your disposal. Talking things out with others is a super helpful way to refine your thoughts. These conversations can sometimes point out flaws in your thinking which can help orient you towards the right direction.

Another important piece that should be considered when deciding on a research topic is relevance. How relevant is your chosen topic to the field in which it is situated? For example, if you are enrolled in a psychology program, your research must relate in some way and be of importance to the field of psychology. In other words, you must be able to defend or justify why your chosen topic area is worth investigating (i.e., how will the data generated from your proposed topic be practically utilized?). The idea of novelty comes into play here ā€“ how original is your research topic? It therefore becomes important to do a quick scan of the existing literature to make sure your chosen topic is not an area that has been over-researched as identifying a gap might prove challenging.

These tips are based on my experience so far as a graduate student. I hope they prove beneficial to your respective situations.

Life as a Graduate Student: Second Year Edition

I started the fourth semester (2nd year) of my masterā€™s degree program about three weeks ago (around the same time yā€™all resumed as well), and I must say, itā€™s been a long couple of weeks. Fortunately for me, the Master of Nursing Science program here at UNBC was initially developed to operate as a distance and online form of learning; as such, my enrolled courses for this semester have been relatively unaffected by the campus-wide switch to alternative mode of education delivery. I suppose it wonā€™t be bold of me to claim to be something of a pro at online-learning.

As part of the requirement of being enrolled in a thesis-based masterā€™s program, I am required to embark on an independent research under the supervision of a knowledgeable professor. Since I am in the proposal development stage of my thesis, I have devoted uncountable hours of my time this summer doing a lot of reading, writing and editing. I must say, itā€™s the not-so fun part of research ā€“ in all honesty ā€“ but perhaps the most important stage as well. I will stop here so as not to bore you with the gory details of literature search, critiquing and research matrix. Nevertheless, I must needs say that diligent perseverance in the aforementioned stage makes for a smoother journey down the road (at least so Iā€™ve been told).

As if full time graduate study is not enough, I work part-time as a Registered Nurse at one of the complex care facilities here in Prince George – a job I absolutely enjoy, although can be mentally and emotionally tasking at times. I also hold a casual position with the BC office of patient-centred measurement (BCPCM) as a cognitive testing interviewer (a recent but amazing development!). The office of BCPCM ( deals with measurement of patient experiences and outcomes to enhance public accountability as well as facilitating the provinceā€™s progress towards providing care that is patient-centred. Prior to the launching of a full-scale survey study, cognitive testing is done to ensure that the survey successfully captures the scientific intent of the questions in a way that makes sense to the respondents. In this role, I get to cognitively test aspects of the developed survey by interviewing a small number of select respondents that is like the target population.

Say cheese šŸ™‚

In a nutshell, this has been my semester so far; I look forward to what the coming months bring šŸ˜Š